I believe that stories change the world.
Not in a cheesy way. Stories actually have the potential to shift beliefs, foster empathy, and process emotions. Writers themselves are transformed by the stories they create. A single story can have far-reaching impact.
But writers get stuck at various points along the journey and need support in order to get those stories created and out into the world. I've seen incredible writers who give up or abandon their passion because of how difficult this process can be. I don't want that to be your story. All of the services I offer in my business focus on getting you unstuck and moving toward your goals.
I'm an editor, writing coach, and speaker who lives in Phoenix with my two children and our assortment of pets (dog, guinea pigs, chickens). I have a BA in Editing and Publishing and have been in business since 2018. As an editor, I specialize in character development and emotional pacing, helping make sure that your story is a satisfying and impactful read. I write contemporary fiction and enjoy telling stories about everyday people, though I do dabble in other genres too. I've helped hundreds of writers brainstorm, revise, and send their work off into the world. We can make it happen for you too. I can't wait to meet you and hear about your story!